Moving Your Ground Level Office or Storage Container

Published On: November 25, 2015Categories: Uncategorized

Move 1 and Feature

Life rarely goes as planned. At A-Verdi we understand that sometimes your needs change and you have to readjust to move forward. That’s why we offer a relocation service for your on-site ground level office and storage containers. Whether you need your shipping container moved to the other side of your jobsite or across town we can help you get your unit exactly where you need it.

Moving a container is a simple process much like your standard delivery and pickup. First, give us a call and tell your friendly A-Verdi sales representative where your container is and where you would like it moved. If you have multiple units and you’re only moving one it is helpful to have the unit number when placing this phone call. Our sales team will ask you the standard questions like how you would like the doors oriented, how much space we have to deliver the unit and what surface will it be placed on. After a short conversation we will give you a window in which we can perform the move and you will be ready for the next step.
After contacting us and requesting a move you should now take the standard steps for any pickup. This means emptying the Move 2freight container and making sure that it is clear of all possession in, on, and around it. Also take a moment to move any vehicles out of the pathway to the placement site and ensure that no hazards have arisen since the delivery that would prevent us from reaching the container, such as large fallen tree branches or flooding on the pathway. We will give you a call an hour ahead of when we plan to do the move so you have some time to do any last minute preparation. If you are moving a conex box from one job site to a different one and the container is easily accessible then you don’t need anyone on the pickup site, however, someone is required to be on the delivery site to assist in the placement of the unit.

Once your ISO container is prepared to be moved, we will load it on either our smaller rollback truck, for tight spaces, or our tractor trailer and haul the unit to the new placement site. Once again it is important to make sure that the pathway to the placement location is clear and fairly level so we can deliver the unit. From there it’s your standard delivery. Our delivery specialist will drop the storage container in place while blocking and leveling the unit to ensure stability and increase ventilation.

If you have a container that you need moved or relocated, don’t hesitate to give us a call. Our biggest priority is making sure you get the most out of your storage container and sometimes that means moving it. Take the first step and reach out to us so we can help right away.